Slacker Manifester: NaNoWriMo Days 8-11
NaNoWriMo, November 2020, DAY 8 – 2074 words Dear Diary, BlackLion made us a new Discord channel, the Parallel PlayZone, for my writing community. So naturally we played with it this evening, and did sprints with our own “CatBot.” It was fun. I’m going to be running a couple of Writing Sprints sessions in our channel, […]
Sprints Totally Rule: NaNoWriMo Days 5-7
NaNoWriMo, November 2020, DAY 5 – 1726 words Dear Diary, I was thinking we’d probably do sprints tonight, but I completely forgot that BlackLion was starting a new online RPG that he’d been invited to by some Star Trek gamers. Sure, I could have done sprints on my own (or with whoever else was on […]
Robots Need Words Too: NaNoWriMo Days 1-4
NaNoWriMo, November 2020, DAY 1 – 0 words Dear Diary, Recently I looked back over last November’s blog series I wrote about doing National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo). It was actually quite useful to me. I was reminded that I did most of my writing in the evenings, quite often doing sprints with BlackLion […]
Using NaNoWriMo for Non-Fiction: 7 Tips
If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that National Novel Writing Month (also known as November) is something I enjoy. I’ve done it for the past several years now, using it to try my hand at writing contemporary fantasy. Most of my writing clients, though, write non-fiction. “If you’re not writing an […]
9 Books to Inspire Us As We Build a New Society
I’ve been thinking about all the people I know who are actively working toward building a new, more conscious society. There are many ways to do this work. One woman runs a program to feed the hungry in New York City, assembling and delivering bags and bags of donated food each week. Another helps empaths […]
5 Reasons You Need an Author Platform Now
Have you ever heard the term “author platform?” The simplest definition: your audience of potential readers. These days, most agents and publishers require you to have an author platform. That’s because they no longer do all the legwork for you, in terms of getting your book out into the world. Whether you choose to self-publish […]
Goddesses of Writing & Creativity
I’ve written before about the Muses and how to craft a relationship with them that enhances your creative power. Now let’s look at some Goddesses (and a couple of Gods) who can also infuse your creative work with some extra energy. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that, in my […]