Tag: writing
Starcat’s Favorites: Milton C. LoveCat
In the midst of all the chaos of this autumn, we welcomed a new feline family member into the fold. Everyone in the extended family is completely charmed by Milton. I know you are, too, right? He was rescued by some dear friends who weren’t able to keep him themselves, but thought of our cat-loving…
Starcat’s Favorites: Seaside Vacation
I’ve been away this week, up at Quester’s family camp on the ocean. It’s been a delight. Quester and I were celebrating our 31st wedding anniversary, and we also enjoyed hosting some new friends from out of state who stayed with us for a few days. It can be hard for me sometimes to take…
A Triggering Challenge
I’ve recently completed Rachel Rodgers’ “$10K in 10 Days” challenge. She shares the concept at the end of her book We Should All Be Millionaires, which I highly recommend reading. I had planned to do the challenge earlier. I finished the book over a weekend in mid-April, and decided to start that Monday. Instead, I…
A Room of My Own
Some of my creative energies are currently focused on creating a home office for myself and my business. I’m so excited! My Younger Self (aka inner child) is especially delighted. For various reasons, I’ve never had an entire room that is wholly mine. I’m reminded of Virginia Woolf’s essay “A Room of One’s Own.” She…
Starcat’s Favorites: Stickers!
Did you ever notice that there are certain things in your life that you’re extremely good at manifesting? Mine has been books (go figure). I haven’t belonged to a library for many years because, even when I couldn’t afford to buy them at full price, books just showed up. People gave them to me, I…
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2021
Hello fellow bookworms! This is my annual share about my ten favorite books that I read this past year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2021, just ones that I encountered and very much enjoyed. I read 52 books in 2021, and it was hard to narrow the…
Starcat’s Favorites: A Long Weekend
For the past ten years, I’ve worked the Thanksgiving weekend. This year, I have the whole long weekend off! It was good work – I filled in at the public radio station where I’d previously worked full-time for years. It felt good to be able to give the regular hosts a break, and the extra…
Starcat’s Favorites: Upleveling
How is it that the entire month of October is, well, over? Did it fly by for you like it did for me? I’m sure part of it is that I was away for a week. BlackLion and I finally got to go on our much-awaited vacation to Cozumel Island, Mexico! It was amazing. We…
Starcat’s Favorites: Autumn and Community
I’m loving the energies of autumn coming in. Can you feel it? This week’s Parallel PlayDate had a theme of community. I based the guided meditation and writing prompt on some reading I’d been doing on forests. Until fairly recently, scientists had thought the trees in a forest competed for resources. But it’s not true!…
More Thoughts on Sovereignty
It’s been 3 months since I wrote about some of my experiences with sovereignty. It’s time for an update! First of all, I now have a crystal crown – well, more of a tiara, really. I love wearing it. If you need one for yourself, or any kind of crystals, I highly recommend this Etsy…