A Summertime Thing
Oh, dear neglected blog! I’ve been off enjoying the summer weather and lots of fun events with friends, plus working on more books. I recently read that blogs aren’t as popular as they once were, and that perhaps their time has passed. I disagree! I still enjoy reading and writing blog posts, and I’ve just […]
My 25 Random Things Post
One of my favorite bloggers, entrepreneurs and online personalities is Leonie Dawson. She’s creative, irreverent, funny, and tells it like it is. She recently put up this post, which hearkens back to when she first started blogging. She mentioned 2006, and since that’s the very year I started this blog, I figured I’d play along […]
Why Have a Daily Spiritual Practice?
This past weekend I offered a workshop at a local Pagan festival, which included readings from two of my books. My workshop topic was “Living on Purpose,” and I included a reading from the book I’m currently writing. I don’t have a title for this book yet, but it’s about creating and maintaining a daily […]
The Value of Saying No
As spring begins to peek its head above the snowbanks, they begin to arrive. Squelching through the mud. Swarming, seemingly out of nowhere, falling like snowflakes, or maybe apple blossoms. Moving in and making themselves at home. What are they? Ladybugs? Migrating birds? Nope. Invitations. In just the past two weeks, I’ve received invitations via […]
Easing Into the Transition
A confession: I think I’m falling in love with winter. It used to be my least-favorite season, but over the past couple of years I’ve learned to appreciate it more. The snowy winter landscape is so beautiful. Even the stark greys and browns outside my window now, our snow having melted away during a warmer […]