A Summertime Thing
Oh, dear neglected blog! I’ve been off enjoying the summer weather and lots of fun events with friends, plus working on more books. I recently read that blogs aren’t as popular as they once were, and that perhaps their time has passed. I disagree! I still enjoy reading and writing blog posts, and I’ve just […]
Starcat’s Favorites: In the Moment
Summer gets busy around here. It’s especially so when you live in a northern clime and want to savor every moment of the warmth, sunshine, and blooming. During the summer months, we always try to fit in extra time outdoors for swimming, hiking, and exploring – alongside the usual work, family time, household chores, and […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Summer Mode
Just one more week and it’ll be Summer Solstice. The evenings are long and everything is in bloom. Our weekly homeschool co-op is done for the summer, lacrosse season is over, and we’re shifting into summer mode around here. Gatherings at our friends’ camp on the lake, potato salad, and road trips. More fireside time in […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Running Around
What a busy summer it’s turned out to be! I shouldn’t be surprised, really. August is always a really crazy month for us. We have lots of family birthdays and gatherings, perform at festivals, and Dryst’s summer soccer season ramps up. On one level I’m really disappointed that we’re not heading off on our road […]
O Beloved Summer!
Hello lovely readers! I hope you’re enjoying the summer thus far. I certainly am. I had the delight of a week-long vacation with Quester, enjoying our favorite Maine places, Ellsworth and Mt. Desert Island. It was a much-needed respite from the busy time that came before it. Back in late June, Elven Tiger, BlackLion and […]