Starcat’s Favorites: The Soul of Summer
If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that I absolutely LOVE summer. So here I am, in my glory! Picnics, swimming in the lake, fresh strawberries, journaling in the hammock, playing Pokemon Go, hanging out with family, beach time with friends, and attending outdoor concerts. Ahh, this is the life. […]
Starcat’s Favorites: The Wheel Turns
Happy April to you! No joke. I’m so glad to be here in a new month, though of course the calendar is pretty arbitrary. Still, I will revel in having moved on from the dreaded March, and that the weather will continue to improve (she wrote, determinedly ignoring the snow outside the window). What are […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Seeking Ideas
Wow, how can it be February already? This has been a very wintry week here in frosty Maine. After a lull, we’ve been having snowstorms left and right. But hey, even though the days are growing longer, it’s still winter for a few more weeks. Especially here. It’s so chilly, cats have been seen snuggling […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Life Goes On
One of the things I love most about life is that, no matter what crises happen, big or small, life goes on. There are always a zillion opportunities to connect, to share kindness and compassion, to show our love. There are present moments, stretching out in a chain from now to forever, ready for us […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Abundant Harvest
Happy Autumn! And Happy Spring to those of you in the southern hemisphere! It is the time for harvest, and the gardens and farmer’s markets are full of abundant vegetables and fruits. Delicious! It’s also time to take a look at what we’re harvesting in our personal lives, and to share our gratitude for all […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Water and Sky
I know I’ve mentioned about a hundred gazillion times that I love summer. Not really a popular opinion this week here in Maine, when the temperatures are in the mid 90s. Most people I run into are complaining about being too dang hot. But I love it. My favorites this summer are swimming and watching […]