Tag: Starcat’s Favorites
Starcat’s Favorites: My Community
I’ve had kind of a struggly winter, blah blah blah. Who hasn’t? I hope you haven’t, actually. But the cool thing is that I have such a vibrant and supportive community. I’m so thankful. I’ve surrounded myself with some extremely excellent folks. This wasn’t always the case. I’ve been blessed with an amazing and close…
Starcat’s Favorites: Kitty Snuggles
As you probably know if you’re a regular reader of this blog, late winter is NOT my favorite. I keep getting emails and seeing memes on social media with messages like “it’s almost spring!” I delete them immediately, as in Maine…it’s not even close. Our monthly family potluck was supposed to be this Sunday, with…
Starcat’s Favorites: Transformation
We’re already almost finished with the first month of 2019, but I’m finding that I’m still processing 2018. Can you relate? It was a hugely transformational year for me and my family. We became empty-nesters. Quester broke his ankle, badly, and had to have (not one but two) surgeries. BlackLion got a new job outside…
Starcat’s Favorites: Sun & Water
It’s no secret that I love summer. This one has been especially hot and humid here in Maine. Most people I know have spent time complaining about it. Not me. It’s actually a joy to me to feel super warm. I know, I’m strange. After a rough winter and spring, though, this summer has been…
Starcat’s Favorites: Summertime, Summertime
As I write this, it’s less than two weeks until my daughter and her boyfriend come home for a visit. I haven’t seen my dear ElvenTiger since January, so I’m very much looking forward to it! Although I’ve been missing her, summer has been lots of fun so far. I’ve been swimming a lot, spending…
Starcat’s Favorites: A Taste of Spring
This is how we roll in springtime in Maine. Snow and new growth, co-existing until one day the melting accelerates. As I write this, the rain is helping with the melting process. It’s also the eve of the Full Blue Moon, and nearly the end of March (can I get a resounding “huzzah!”?). It’s been…
Starcat’s Favorites: Extra Self-Care
It’s that time of year – the winter blahs have set in. Yes, the days are longer and there is the promise of spring. At the same time, at least here in northern New England, it is still quite cold and damp. The perfect time for extra self-care! I’ve been practicing compassion for myself and…
Starcat’s Favorites: Greeting a New Year
I remember when I used to hate winter. I don’t so much, anymore. Granted, the cold, ice, wind, and snow are not my favorite things to be out and about in. But the landscape certainly is beautiful, and I like slowing down during this time of year and going into my creative cave. Thankfully, I’ve…
Starcat’s Favorites: Transformation and Witchery
Wow. What an autumn it’s been so far. I’ve been undergoing a huge transformation – which seems to be a theme for many of us, lately. I like to think that the Universe is helping us spiritually-focused types to “level up” (to use a gaming term), so that we can continue to help with the…
Starcat’s Favorites: Wake Me Up…
It’s hard for me to believe that summer is coming to an end. This is an especially poignant time, as my beloved daughter ElvenTiger is moving to Colorado in less than two weeks (on the day before my birthday, as it happens). I’m so thrilled for her, to be launching herself into adulthood in such…