Starcat’s Favorites: Signs of Spring
Dare I say it before the month is really over? This March has been easier than I’d expected, given my rocky history with the transition from late winter to early spring. Maybe that’s because I’ve gone all in with my exquisite self-care. It could be the signs of spring. We’ve had some nice weather since […]
It’s Change-Making Time
Many of us are still processing the U.S. election results and what they mean. It seems unthinkable to me that we’d regress, as a society, just when we’re finally beginning to understand that all beings have innate worth. Open bigotry and misogyny in the 21st century? Really?! Still, perhaps it’s better out in the open. […]
6 Ideas for a Daily Self-Love Practice
You can see the value of learning to love yourself. You understand why it’s important. You know it will help you live a more joyful life, appreciate others more, and have more energy for pursuing your most cherished dreams. But how on Earth do you get there? Like any skill worth having, self-love comes through […]
Starcat’s Favorites: All At Once
All at once, it’s summer in Maine. The weather is (for the most part) gorgeous. Schedules have changed, wedding and anniversary season is upon us, and the coaching course I’m in is wrapping up. As I write this, I’m also in the midst of getting ready to facilitate a wedding for some friends this afternoon, […]
Being Yourself in Community: 5 Handy Tips
It’s the summer party and festival season, and that can bring on some nerves or even anxiety. Do you have trouble being yourself when you’re spending time with other people? Do you find yourself censoring your words, being quiet, and staying in the background even when you wish you could be in the center of the action? […]
What Is Productivity, and Why Should You Care About It?
Do you consider yourself a productive person? I guess it’s not really fair to ask you this question right off the bat, because it relies on defining what we each mean by “productivity.” The basic definition says: “the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services.” […]
How to Release Your Mean Inner Critic
One of the things that all humans have in common is our non-stop thinking. Our brains almost never stop their chatter, except for when we fall asleep at night. The quality of that mental self-talk can affect us profoundly. You might never have noticed the things you tell yourself, day after day. And yet that […]
How To Reclaim Your Personal Power
Do you ever see pictures or posts from your classmates on Facebook and think, “really, that’s so-and-so?! But they’re just an ordinary person, like me!” Particularly the men and women who were once “the popular kids,” arbitrators of all things “cool.” They were up there on a pedestal in high school: the golden ones, the […]
The Crones Don’t Care
I’m blessed to have a bunch of amazing crones* in my life. I’m surrounded by creative, talented, gorgeous older women who live their lives in their own way. They value community, are giving and loving, and continue to grow and learn. And they don’t give a crap what other people think of them. That’s something […]