Gratitude to Yemaya!
Last weekend I posted, among other things, a link to an article about the Feast Day of Yemaya, the Mother of Oceans. On Thursday, I gathered with three witchy friends at my favorite beach, and we did a ritual offering to the Goddess Yemaya. It was beautiful, profound, and such a delight. We gave offerings […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Nearly Winter
As I write this, it’s nearly the Winter Solstice. We’re getting ready for our annual Solstice gathering, and for the family Christmas festivities after that. The moon, when it peeps out from the clouds, has been so gorgeous this week. We’ve been having rain rather than snow, which isn’t quite as festive, but makes for […]
Why Have a Daily Spiritual Practice?
This past weekend I offered a workshop at a local Pagan festival, which included readings from two of my books. My workshop topic was “Living on Purpose,” and I included a reading from the book I’m currently writing. I don’t have a title for this book yet, but it’s about creating and maintaining a daily […]
Upgrading Your Filters
As an empath, introvert, HSP, or simply someone who is sensitive to the energies in your immediate environment, social situations can be challenging. You might become overwhelmed by others’ emotions, sometimes to the extent that you’re not sure whether what you’re feeling is yours or not. Sound about right? Then this post is for you. […]
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2014
Each January, I like to reflect back on what, in my opinion, were the best books of the previous year. Below are 2014’s winners. Please note, these aren’t necessarily books that were published in 2014, though a couple of them were. These are just my favorites of the 45 books I read over the past year. […]
How to Stay Sane During the Holidays
This week is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., and as my Mom reminded me last night, Christmas is just one month from today, and Winter Solstice comes even sooner. One month! Ohmygosh! There’s so much to do! I started to get a little bit stressed about it, thinking of all the preparations and celebrations. I’m […]
A Contemplative Samhain
Greetings. Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween to you! Joyful salutations of the Celtic New Year! I’m celebrating in a quiet and mellow space this year. Our Dark Follies gig that was originally scheduled for tonight was cancelled about a month ago, and I told ElvenTiger I’d give rides to she and her friends on Halloween, […]