Channeling Through Your Inner Source
My experiences with channeling began with reading and studying channeled material. Then, in polarity therapy sessions, I watched channeling in action, receiving wisdom from my own non-physical guides through a talented practitioner. Now, I’ve opened up to becoming a channel myself, allowing wisdom to flow through my fingers as I type the words of the […]
Doorways to the House of Wholeness
When I was a young child, I was wildly creative. I was also sensitive, smart, and a people-pleaser, which led me in the direction of academic achievement. Striving for straight As in school became a way of seeking approval. Over the course of my school career, my creativity became secondary, and even atrophied. It’s hard […]
Getting Out of Your Own Way
I’ve been having some “aha” moments and mini-epiphanies as we make our way into 2020. They hit me in a powerful way that’s already helping me grow. Yet when I look at these messages from spirit, they seem remarkably simple. They are things I either knew already (intellectually, anyway), or probably should have known. That […]
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2019
Hey fellow bookworms! I’m super excited to share my ten favorite books that I read this past year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2019, just ones that I encountered and very much enjoyed. There were a bunch of others that were awesome, too, but didn’t make the […]
My 2020 Vision
This has been an unusual holiday season, for a variety of reasons. Not bad, just different. A bit more chaotic and scattered. A lot of letting go and allowing things to unfold as they will. Which is part of the lesson. I think of myself as a recovering control freak, and sometimes the recovery goes […]
Winter Solstice: Nourishing Your Spark
Winter Solstice is a time of paradox. It’s the turning point, where the light returns and the days begin to grow longer once more. It’s also the official start of winter, ushering in the coldest, most snowy months of the year. This is the height of the winter holiday frenzy, and in less than two […]
Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
You probably see a lot of female thought-leaders on their blogs and Facebook posts proclaiming that good self-care is non-negotiable. Actually, I agree with them. However, there’s a big disconnect between those of us writing about self-care and the reality of the daily lives of the readers. So many people – women, especially – who […]