Starcat’s Favorites: Self-Acceptance
Hey there! The title of this post, self-acceptance, is around feeling some guilt (I know, Mom, “no guilt”) about not posting here much lately. I’ve had lots of ideas, but haven’t yet taken the time to sit down and share them with you. The acceptance is fairly easy, actually, because I’ve been doing lots of […]
Magick is Afoot!
BlackLion and I hosted a Vision Board PlayShop this week on the Full Moon, via Zoom. Seventeen of us gathered in (virtual) sacred space to craft our visions and intentions for the new year. It was so powerful doing this in community with these wonderful co-creators and Thriving Artists! What a blessing. This is my […]
Writing the New Myths
Happy Winter Solstice! Today there’s a grand conjunction that my astrologer friends tell me is all about moving into a new era, the long-awaited Age of Aquarius. If that’s the case, then it falls to us, the Thriving Artists, the co-creators, the writers and dreamers and crafters, to offer up the new stories that will […]
Starcat’s Favorites: An Introvert Holiday
My holidays usually involve hosting a Winter Solstice celebration, followed by gatherings of my extended family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This year, because of the pandemic, things are different. So even though I’ll miss hanging out with family and friends, I’ve decided to make the best of it. Among the silver linings: my […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Inside the Creative Cave
As much as I (used to?) talk about the cold time of year not being my favorite, I’ve come to appreciate this season we’re entering. It’s the ideal time for holing up inside the Creative Cave. Besides writing (which gets intensified during NaNoWriMo), I have some other favorite creative pastimes. My favorite hobbies include papercrafts […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Daily Spiritual Practice
The last couple of weeks have been like a rollercoaster. Lots of ups and downs – both personally and collectively. My astrologer friends tell me that, given what’s going on in the stars, it’s to be expected. This is a time of big transitions. I’m so thankful that I always have my daily spiritual practice […]
Why I’m a Druid by D&D Rules
Do you play that imagination game where you figure out what you’d be in a certain scenario? For example, which Hogwarts House you’d be sorted into (Ravenclaw, of course), and that sort of thing? Or is that just me? I love those little sorting and labeling quizzes, though I try to resist them now since […]
9 Books to Inspire Us As We Build a New Society
I’ve been thinking about all the people I know who are actively working toward building a new, more conscious society. There are many ways to do this work. One woman runs a program to feed the hungry in New York City, assembling and delivering bags and bags of donated food each week. Another helps empaths […]