How to Start a Creative Process Journal
You’ve probably kept some form of personal journal before, for yourself or for a class. But have you ever kept a journal specifically for your creative process? You might be writing a book, or it might be a process journal for another long-form creative project you’ve taken on, like making a mural or series of […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Milton C. LoveCat
In the midst of all the chaos of this autumn, we welcomed a new feline family member into the fold. Everyone in the extended family is completely charmed by Milton. I know you are, too, right? He was rescued by some dear friends who weren’t able to keep him themselves, but thought of our cat-loving […]
The Wealth All Around Us: A Call to Gratitude
I’ve noticed recently how much my mind likes to default to what’s “wrong” in my life. This is especially true as I focus on building my financial foundation. When I wake up and start my day, my brain wants to immediately fixate on something like “solving a money shortage.” It wants to point out the […]
Unconditional Wealth
I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, meditating, which I do each morning. This time, a phrase arose in my mind. It floated around there, repeating like a mantra. The phrase? “Unconditional wealth.” After my meditation, I gave some thought to why this phrase arose and what it might mean. One of my favorite Law […]
A Triggering Challenge
I’ve recently completed Rachel Rodgers’ “$10K in 10 Days” challenge. She shares the concept at the end of her book We Should All Be Millionaires, which I highly recommend reading. I had planned to do the challenge earlier. I finished the book over a weekend in mid-April, and decided to start that Monday. Instead, I […]