Starcat’s Favorites: Getting Results
It’s no secret to longtime readers that I LOVE summer. But it’s not just the warmer days and more time off to enjoy this gorgeous season. It’s also that it’s the season of abundance. Flowers, strawberries, vegetable stands, the trees, sunshine – it feels like everything is in bloom. Abundance surrounds us. For me, it’s […]
There Will Be Ebb
If you’ve done any kind of sustained creative work at all, you know that feeling when inspiration strikes and you ride the wave of powerful creative flow. It’s so thrilling! You also know that eventually that wave crashes on the shore, and the water ebbs away. You find yourself sitting in the sand, wondering what […]
The Life of the Imagination
I enjoy living a “Life of the Imagination.” The phrase itself came to me at some point several years ago, popping into my consciousness and immediately embraced as something that describes me, at least when I’m at my best. What does it mean? It’s about letting your creativity flow, allowing yourself to be whimsical and […]
Opening Pandora’s Treasure Box
It feels like writing about the Law of Attraction means opening up Pandora’s mythical box. On the one hand, there’s so much treasure in there, and it has helped me to vastly expand and improve my life. On the other hand, there are many misconceptions about the philosophy and its validity. So of course BlackLion […]

Play Is Productive – Younger Self and Creativity
There’s a concept that I often share with my one-on-one book midwife clients and during various workshops. It comes from one of my favorite authors of all time, Starhawk. She’s a Pagan activist, writer, and leader of the Reclaiming tradition. I’ve read nearly all of her books, and recommend them highly. In her classic work […]