Tag: holidays

  • Surviving the Holidays: A Guide for Misfits

    Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, that you’re a bit of a misfit. I don’t mean that in a bad way, not at all. It’s just that if you’re drawn to what I write about here, your interests and priorities are probably a bit different from that of mainstream society. As a vegetarian, Pagan,…

  • Starcat’s Favorites: Love and Family

    This time of the year gets super zany for me. There are hundreds of things that populate my to-do lists, and all of them want my attention. It’s too easy to get overwhelmed. Know what I mean? One of the things that helps me slow down and enjoy the winter holiday season is to remember…

  • How to Stay Sane During the Holidays

    This week is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., and as my Mom reminded me last night, Christmas is just one month from today, and Winter Solstice comes even sooner. One month! Ohmygosh! There’s so much to do! I started to get a little bit stressed about it, thinking of all the preparations and celebrations. I’m…

  • So Thankful

    My gratitude project is going well. I’ve been having a tough time this fall. I’m grieving the death of my friend, going through some kind of rather intense spiritual transformation, and have managed to injure my lower back. Bleah. Yet every day, when I get ready to list the 3 things I’m thankful for that…