Surviving the Spiritual Apocalypse
The title of today’s post is a joke, sort of. A couple of weeks ago, BlackLion and I were kicking around various ideas for a subtitle for my forthcoming book, The Heart of the Goddess. My daughter ElvenTiger was listening in, and her suggestion, with a gleam in her eye, was “Surviving the Spiritual Apocalypse.” […]
Gratitude to Yemaya!
Last weekend I posted, among other things, a link to an article about the Feast Day of Yemaya, the Mother of Oceans. On Thursday, I gathered with three witchy friends at my favorite beach, and we did a ritual offering to the Goddess Yemaya. It was beautiful, profound, and such a delight. We gave offerings […]
Dancing with the Feminine Divine
After writing the post on feeling mostly gender-neutral, I got thinking about why I’m so drawn to connecting with the Divine as female, as Goddess. Part of it is because I’m a feminist, and as such I’m not fond of the patriarchy and its stern, imposing monotheistic God. By feminist, I mean that I’m in […]