Tag: goals
Summer Solstice Check-In
As we approach the Summer Solstice and the halfway point of the calendar year, it’s a good time to take a look at how things are going in our lives. What did you hope to feel, experience, and accomplish this year? How’s it going? Let’s shine the light on things! It’s time for an assessment.…
Why You Deserve More Ease In Your Life
Have you been brainwashed to struggle through life? How to tell: you begin your day tired and feeling like you’re already behind, you complain more often than you express your gratitude, you finish the day lamenting all the tasks that didn’t get done, and you wouldn’t describe your life as “fun” or “fulfilling.” You might…
An EASE-Filled 2019
This year’s word of the year was an easy choice – yeah, I confess, that’s a pun, but an incidental one. You see, my word for 2019 is EASE. If you’re a regular reader here, you’ll know that I’ve been working with the concept of ease & connection for several months now. In a July…
Fun With Fitness
Writing, as I’ve mentioned before, is a pretty sedentary career. I know, because I’ve gained some weight over the past few years, as I focus more on my writing and book midwife work. So for my birthday in September, I told my son I was interested in getting a fitness tracker, and he gifted me…
Starcat’s Favorites: Greeting a New Year
I remember when I used to hate winter. I don’t so much, anymore. Granted, the cold, ice, wind, and snow are not my favorite things to be out and about in. But the landscape certainly is beautiful, and I like slowing down during this time of year and going into my creative cave. Thankfully, I’ve…
Allowing the Flow of Life
I had a really big year of change in 2017. I know, I know – we all did, really. On global, national, regional, community, and personal levels. It’s been crazy! Change is the only constant, as the saying goes. But, seriously. It was intense. I have a friend who is an astrologer, and he predicted…
On Becoming Luminous
Each year, I share my Word of the Year and some words about how it came about, in order to hopefully inspire you in your own journey (and because it’s fun to share). This year, my word is LUMINOUS. Last May, I received a copy of The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte for Mother’s Day.…
Starcat’s Favorites: Life Goes On
One of the things I love most about life is that, no matter what crises happen, big or small, life goes on. There are always a zillion opportunities to connect, to share kindness and compassion, to show our love. There are present moments, stretching out in a chain from now to forever, ready for us…
6 Ideas for a Daily Self-Love Practice
You can see the value of learning to love yourself. You understand why it’s important. You know it will help you live a more joyful life, appreciate others more, and have more energy for pursuing your most cherished dreams. But how on Earth do you get there? Like any skill worth having, self-love comes through…
Escaping The Tyranny of the To-Do List
One of the participants in a recent workshop BlackLion and I co-hosted, while explaining what she wanted to work on, essentially said she wanted to stop being a slave to her to-do list. Can you relate? Life is full. There’s work, immediate family, home-tending, extended family, exercise, friends, volunteering, self-care, creative projects, spiritual practice, and…