Tag: food
Starcat’s Favorites: It’s Official!
Well, it’s officially Spring! The vernal equinox was yesterday, so in calendar terms at least, we’re entering the warmer part of the year. I’m so glad! Today, I’m even willing to wait a while for the true blessings of spring to show up: flowers, green grass, baby birds, and walking barefoot. With daytime temperatures still…
Spending Time at Home (and a Recipe)
I love where I live. We’re in a small rural Maine town. Some of our neighbors include those who keep horses, sheep, and a very cool donkey who announces the arrival of morning. We live next door to my aunt, where my grandparents lived when I was growing up. It’s so peaceful here, and we…
December Reflections and More
Happy December! I woke up feeling especially creative today. After a fun trip to town with my Mom for breakfast and some groceries, I’ve been bopping around getting some fun creative projects for this month all ready to roll. I know, I need to sit down and work on my novel, too. And there are all…
Starcat’s Favorites: Healthy Living
…or my current best attempt at it, anyway, as I’m still learning. I’m doing yoga five times a week or more. I had a massage this week (thanks, Mom and Dad, for the gift card!). I’ve cut out refined sugar (including alcohol), and have been avoiding fried foods (not that I eat a lot of…
Starcat’s Favorites: Yoga and Me
Almost a month ago I revived my daily practice of yoga. What a difference it’s making in my world! Not only does my body love it, but yoga helps calm my mind, open up my emotions to flow more freely, and rev up my imagination. Just in the past couple of days, my practice has…
Change, Minus All the Judging
I had a really sedentary winter, and now I’m making some changes with the spring. Changes like moving more, doing my yoga every morning, and eating less sugar and fat. It didn’t all happen this winter, either. Over the last few years I’ve put on weight, probably partly as a result of getting older (that…
Starcat’s Favorites: Action!
The sun is shining in our little corner of New England, the snow is melting, and life is good. We even have some daffodil shoots coming up! No buds yet, but I know they’ll be showing up soon. It’s amazing how much of my energy returns with the warmer temperatures. This week I started a…
Starcat’s Favorites: Hints of Spring
We celebrated the Spring Equinox this week, and I’m noticing hints of spring all around. No, in our case, not even the crocuses have been able to poke their first shoots up above the snow. But the sun is getting stronger, the sap is running, and it’s still light out as I write this at…
Dreaming of the Sea(food)
Last night I had a single bite of lobster dipped in butter. It tasted delicious. Some background: for probably about 20 years, I’ve been what I’ve considered vegetarian. For the first 13 years of that, though, I would occasionally eat fish or seafood. Not often, maybe once every three months or so, and usually for…