Tag: food
Starcat’s Favorites: My Family
I am SO blessed to have an amazing family (of birth and choice, both). This weekend, a bunch of us are helping my son and his girlfriend move into the house they just bought. Not only are we schlepping boxes and cleaning the old apartment, but Quester has been over at the new place almost…
Starcat’s Favorites: A Writing Win
I did it! I finished writing 50,000 words in November – with three days to spare. I’ve never finished early before. Woo hoo! The novel I’m working on isn’t done, but I’m taking a few days off from it. I have another book that I’ve been editing, which is wanting my time and attention: Follow…
Starcat’s Favorites: High and Low All at Once
I know I’ve referred to one of Quester’s favorite quotes here before, more than once. It’s by the band Moe, and goes “it’s high and low all at once, not one or the other.” This month has been one of those times when the quote comes in handy. We lost two dear people from our…
Starcat’s Favorites: The Turning of the Wheel
Suddenly it’s autumn! Well, it seems kind of sudden from where I’m standing. We had a whirlwind of a September, with my big 50th birthday celebration and a two-week visit from my daughter and her fiance. It was so much fun. Now it’s almost October, and the leaves are turning. I’m craving soup and hot…
Starcat’s Favorites: Summertime, Summertime
As I write this, it’s less than two weeks until my daughter and her boyfriend come home for a visit. I haven’t seen my dear ElvenTiger since January, so I’m very much looking forward to it! Although I’ve been missing her, summer has been lots of fun so far. I’ve been swimming a lot, spending…
My 25 Random Things Post
One of my favorite bloggers, entrepreneurs and online personalities is Leonie Dawson. She’s creative, irreverent, funny, and tells it like it is. She recently put up this post, which hearkens back to when she first started blogging. She mentioned 2006, and since that’s the very year I started this blog, I figured I’d play along…
Starcat’s Favorites: Inner Enthusiasm
Last weekend I had the chance to go to Play Church, which is a new offering from the Play Nexus crew. Their playshops are full of energy, joy, expansion, and high vibes. After some pondering, I decided I wouldn’t go, and BlackLion seemed to think that meant I was feeling low-energy, or not well in…
Starcat’s Favorites: Gratitude
In the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I participated in a “14 Days Glad” challenge that a friend created in a Facebook group I belong to. The idea was to post a list of ten things each day that you’re thankful for. I loved it so much! It’s not like I’m a stranger to…
Surviving the Holidays: A Guide for Misfits
Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, that you’re a bit of a misfit. I don’t mean that in a bad way, not at all. It’s just that if you’re drawn to what I write about here, your interests and priorities are probably a bit different from that of mainstream society. As a vegetarian, Pagan,…
Starcat’s Favorites: A Full Fall
This fall has proven to be a very full one for me thus far. How about you? I’ve been working on finishing up my book draft, and I’m finally nearing the end of the process. While I’d wanted to be finished by now, I’m delighted to say that just this week I (with help from…