The Connection Between Dreams & Creativity
I’ve always been a big-time dreamer. I have vivid dreams pretty much every night, and lots of times I can remember them. For a long time, I didn’t realize that wasn’t the norm. There was a period of my adult life when, for various reasons, I was repressing my natural creativity. Maybe “repressing” is a […]
Summer Solstice Dreaming
Last week was the Summer Solstice, and this week is the full moon – between the two, my dreams have been super crazy. I mean, even crazier than they normally are! Anyone else? In one, I was rollerblading in endless circles through this huge mansion with hundreds of rooms with wooden floors, and trooping down […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Back to It
Don’t you just love September? After the crazy social whirlwind that is August for my family, I really relish that “back to school” vibe, the motivation to get organized and focused on what’s most important. Although I haven’t attended school for many years, and my unschoolers have never been at all, I always love the fresh […]
The Power of Dreaming
I’m caught up in the throes of NaNoWriMo, dreaming up a novel that won’t be finished this month, though I will make the 50,000 word count by November 30th. So for today’s post I bring you a thought-provoking quote on dreams and creativity, from one of my favorite author duos, Seth and Jane Roberts. Enjoy! […]
A Contemplative Samhain
Greetings. Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween to you! Joyful salutations of the Celtic New Year! I’m celebrating in a quiet and mellow space this year. Our Dark Follies gig that was originally scheduled for tonight was cancelled about a month ago, and I told ElvenTiger I’d give rides to she and her friends on Halloween, […]