Starcat’s Favorites: Summer Begins
It’s late May in Maine, and our weather has leaped ahead to feeling like early July. I’m not complaining at all – I love the heat! I’m still going for near-daily woods walks, and also spending time in my hammock. We haven’t been swimming yet, because that water is surely super cold, but soon… Even […]
9 Self-Care Practices You Can Do at Home
Self-care is particularly crucial in a time of crisis. Sometimes you can’t get out into the world for a massage or an artist date, whether it’s due to the global pandemic we’re experiencing now or for personal reasons from health to finances. Here are 9 things you can do to fill your own cup, from […]
Exquisite Self-Care in a Time of Crisis
This is a bit hard to write, because I don’t want to appear to minimize anyone else’s experience. But it feels important to share my perspective. Please know that I’m offering this with the utmost love and compassion for you, unconditionally. Here it is: I’m not afraid. I’m not stressed. Even in this time of […]
Travel and the Creative Soul
What comes to mind when you hear the word “adventure?” For me, it’s a no-brainer. Adventure means TRAVEL. Travel feeds my creative soul like nothing else. I first caught the travel bug when I was a shy teenage Girl Scout. The longer I stayed in Girl Scouts, the fewer peers and the smaller the troop […]