Creativity Begets More Creativity
I saw a quote on a writing page about writers being “drained” after a couple hours of writing. In my experience, that’s just not true. Lately I’ve been working on my novel for NaNoWriMo nearly every day. When I finish a session of writing, I feel exhilarated and happy. I’m not saying that it’s always […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Settle In…
…with a cup of your favorite beverage. Starcat’s Favorites is back! Even through the busy times and the grief, I’ve been reading and gathering links. Reading is my lifelong refuge, my favorite comfort food, my natural state of being. The last time I shared favorites was in late August, so I have a lot of […]
It’s Alright
I’m having a hard time getting back into some of my usual creative outlets, like blogging, since my friend passed away. It’s odd how grief shows up in different ways for each person. The other thing that’s dropped away is my usual talent for planning and scheduling – which may be a good thing, though […]
Nearly Ready
This summer has been a whirlwind of intense energies. Are you feeling it, too? My astrologer friends have been talking about all the powerful conjunctions, squares, and oppositions affecting us, not only individually but as a culture. It makes sense to me. We made it through the portal that was 2012, the end of the […]
Starcat’s Favorites: August Already?!
The month of July seemed to zoooooom right by! As I’ve written before, August is perhaps the busiest month of the year for me and my family. So, here goes! Some of the projects and fun things I’m involved with this crazy month: family birthdays, finalizing details for our trip to Texas for our Rethinking […]