Change, Minus All the Judging
I had a really sedentary winter, and now I’m making some changes with the spring. Changes like moving more, doing my yoga every morning, and eating less sugar and fat. It didn’t all happen this winter, either. Over the last few years I’ve put on weight, probably partly as a result of getting older (that […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Welcome 2014!
I did two things yesterday that told me it’s really the new calendar year, and that the sun’s light is returning. The first one is that we took down and put away all our Solstice and Christmas decorations, including the tree. Well, we did leave some festive faerie lights strung up around the house, to […]
Aspirations or Inspirations?
Usually at this time of year, I start feeling motivated and excited to charge right into the new year. Last year I switched things up a bit, and decided to focus on intentions rather than goals. Still, I think the underlying motivating force was essentially the same: I was aspiring to improve my experience, to […]
So Thankful
My gratitude project is going well. I’ve been having a tough time this fall. I’m grieving the death of my friend, going through some kind of rather intense spiritual transformation, and have managed to injure my lower back. Bleah. Yet every day, when I get ready to list the 3 things I’m thankful for that […]