Why Are These Kids So Happy?
I love enjoying places where families on the free-learning path can meet one another, give and receive support, and share in the fun. I want to foster those spaces everywhere, and hang out with my tribe. Not just unschoolers, either, but people of all ages, races, genders, orientations, and walks of life who are embracing […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Farewell to May
Happy weekend! Hard to believe that it’s the end of May already. How has your spring been going? Mine’s been a bit crazy, but I seem to be settling into the ramped-up energies of this time of year. This week has been filled with creative work on the novel revisions, getting outdoors between raindrops, yoga, […]
Say Yes to Self-Approval!
I’ve been on this self-love journey for a few years now, and I’m finding that there is always more to learn. What I’ve been unfolding lately is the complex subject of approval-seeking. One of my self-love affirmations is “I love and approve of myself.” The “approve” part is coming into focus. During a recent discussion […]
Starcat’s Favorites: In the Garden
Happy weekend! We’re having some April showers here today, but they’re helping the gardens, so I’m not complaining. BlackLion has been in big-time green thumb mode, creating new beds in our garden as well as tending to his seedlings. Things are starting to bloom around here after some milder weather. Here’s a picture he took […]
Triggers Are Mirrors
I am blessed to have a really awesome extended family. They are supportive, loving, kind, and funny (sometimes hilarious). Despite all the “weird” things about me – vegetarianism, unschooling, polyamory, and other unconventional choices – they not only accept me but seem to genuinely enjoy spending time with me. This morning my Mom spontaneously invited […]