Starcat’s Favorites: Processing
Summer is winding down, and along with a tinge of sadness in the air, there’s the excitement of autumn energies. Harvest in the gardens, fresh homemade salsa and pesto, and time to dive back into the creative projects that have been on hiatus during the more active, warmer months. Coming out of the intense busy-ness […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Running Around
What a busy summer it’s turned out to be! I shouldn’t be surprised, really. August is always a really crazy month for us. We have lots of family birthdays and gatherings, perform at festivals, and Dryst’s summer soccer season ramps up. On one level I’m really disappointed that we’re not heading off on our road […]
The Secret Worth of Boredom
Do you ever get bored? How about your kids? You must have heard that mournful cry: “I’m booooooooooored!” Followed by you proposing an increasingly inventive list of options, none of which appeal to them one bit. Sigh. Boredom actually has a lot of value, though. When you’re bored, there’s not one thing you want to […]
Why You Should Make a Vision Board
I love to make vision boards. I’m not sure when I first encountered the concept, but it was in connection with manifesting the things that you wish to bring into your life. The idea is that collecting relevant images and words in one place helps your conscious and subconscious mind focus more clearly on your […]
Summer Solstice and PortCon
What have I been up to lately? Quite the whirlwind of a weekend! Summer is here and we were busy welcoming it and celebrating, creating, and performing. The main event of the weekend was, of course, the Summer Solstice! We celebrated in several ways. The actual time of the Solstice here in Maine was early […]