The Power of Dreaming
I’m caught up in the throes of NaNoWriMo, dreaming up a novel that won’t be finished this month, though I will make the 50,000 word count by November 30th. So for today’s post I bring you a thought-provoking quote on dreams and creativity, from one of my favorite author duos, Seth and Jane Roberts. Enjoy! […]
Inspiration for the Journey
Writing a novel in a month is, let me tell you, quite a journey. But no matter what projects you’re working on right now, you probably look for inspiration in other areas of your life. Everyone has their go-to music, or books, or TV shows when they’re looking to be inspired. Hopefully they change over […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Writing a Novel
Happy National Novel Writing Month! (aka NaNoWriMo) Last year was my first time doing this, and BlackLion and I collaborated on a novel together. It’s a good story, especially for a first effort, and we’re still (very slowly) editing and adding to it. More about that in the months to come. In the meantime, it’s […]
Recovering From Mercury Retrograde
Well, that was certainly dramatic! Mercury’s most recent journey through retrograde took place from October 4th through the 25th. These times of Mercury retrograde are when communication gets messed up – whether via technology or simple face-to-face relationships. We also have a couple of eclipses thrown into the mix for good measure. So…. how was […]
Who Are You, Really?
When you were born into this Earth plane, it wasn’t as a blank slate to be filled up. You brought with you certain talents, inclinations, and preferences. Sure, you were influenced by your family members and early-life experiences. But from the palette of options that surrounded you, you made choices – even as a very […]
Be Inspired by Sacred Geometry
I’ve just begun, very slowly, the study of a new creative thought process, and meditation technique. For a while now I’ve been inspired by the images of sacred geometry, especially the Flower of Life. There have been a lot of synchronicities, with the image seeming to follow me everywhere. I know, I take a while […]
Why Fae?
One of my many projects (me? overcommit? nah!) is blogging for a brand new inspiring website that’s going to be launched soon. I’m one of a dozen or so bloggers. We all have superhero-style titles as part of our pen names, like Taran the Magnificent (yeah, I totally made that example up). The one I […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Surviving To Thriving
Do you ever feel like you’re going through your days just sort of surviving? Going from one thing to another, solving problems, dealing with what’s in front of you…but feeling like you’re not really getting anything done. I mean, the things that matter to you in a deep heartfelt way, like your creative calling. I’ve been […]