Starcat’s Favorites: It’s Official!
Well, it’s officially Spring! The vernal equinox was yesterday, so in calendar terms at least, we’re entering the warmer part of the year. I’m so glad! Today, I’m even willing to wait a while for the true blessings of spring to show up: flowers, green grass, baby birds, and walking barefoot. With daytime temperatures still […]
The Value of Saying No
As spring begins to peek its head above the snowbanks, they begin to arrive. Squelching through the mud. Swarming, seemingly out of nowhere, falling like snowflakes, or maybe apple blossoms. Moving in and making themselves at home. What are they? Ladybugs? Migrating birds? Nope. Invitations. In just the past two weeks, I’ve received invitations via […]
Starcat’s Favorites: A Slow Transition
March is here! Which is great, because it’s the month that contains the official start of Spring. And not-so-great, because it’s a month where I tend to struggle along. This particular seasonal transition seems to really leave me feeling “meh.” I’ve started a conversation about the March blues over on Facebook, and I’ll be summarizing […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Slowly, Slowly
This winter has been especially snowy here in northern New England, as I’m sure you’ve heard by now. I don’t know if that’s contributing to my own desire for extended hibernation or not, but I’m not complaining. When the latest winter storm cancels my plans, I’m happy to stay at home. I’ve been moving slowly, relishing […]
Starcat’s Favorites: A Cozy Nest
I confess – I’m a “glass half full” kind of person. So of course, despite the icky colds going around in my family, I’m looking on the bright side. Which means, for me, plenty of time for reading (I’m really enjoying my former neighbor Lynn Flewelling’s Casket of Souls) and writing and plotting and planning […]
December Reflections and More
Happy December! I woke up feeling especially creative today. After a fun trip to town with my Mom for breakfast and some groceries, I’ve been bopping around getting some fun creative projects for this month all ready to roll. I know, I need to sit down and work on my novel, too. And there are all […]