Starcat’s Favorites: Those Dark Nights
Although this winter has been much milder in terms of weather, I feel like I’ve really been in the deep, dark, depths the past couple of months. You know those infamous “dark nights of the soul?” Yeah, those are the ones. I’ve written about my troubles here already, so I’m not going to go into it […]
Manifesto for Daily Being
This month I’ve been doing the Infinite Possibilities 30-Day Project from Mike Dooley, which has been fun and awesome. As I wrapped up the final session today, I was looking back through the notebook I’ve been using for it, which is also my “Starcat’s Book of Positive Aspects and Processes.” While I was reading what […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Nearly Winter
As I write this, it’s nearly the Winter Solstice. We’re getting ready for our annual Solstice gathering, and for the family Christmas festivities after that. The moon, when it peeps out from the clouds, has been so gorgeous this week. We’ve been having rain rather than snow, which isn’t quite as festive, but makes for […]
The Amazing Power of Wondering
Have you ever gotten so mired in routine that your body gets stiff and sore, and you feel all twitchy without knowing why? You could be stuck in a busy daily routine that doesn’t nurture your soul, a relationship that has gotten stagnant, a stressful job, or outdated old beliefs about yourself and your place […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Autumn’s Beauty
I wanted to share an inspiring post with you today about my experience at the Life Without Instructions (LWI) unschooling conference in New Jersey. It will be full of photos of people of all ages enjoying their freedom and joy, with quotes and bits of wisdom that I gleaned from my experience there. It will […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Creative Abundance
Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year? The gardens, yards, and farms are all abundant with fruits, veggies, and flowers. My creativity, too, is in abundance mode. While being busy with presentations and performances at various summer events, I’m also in the midst of working on my third book, preparing to […]