6 Ideas for a Daily Self-Love Practice
You can see the value of learning to love yourself. You understand why it’s important. You know it will help you live a more joyful life, appreciate others more, and have more energy for pursuing your most cherished dreams. But how on Earth do you get there? Like any skill worth having, self-love comes through […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Mind Maps & Snuggle Cats
This is the lovely snuggle cat I was cuddling with this morning. I don’t think he wanted me to get up. Sweet Percy Lovecat! He’s definitely on my list of favorites. I’ve also been enjoying spring breezes, chai tea, good sleep, and mind mapping. I’m in the middle of creating a wonderful project that is […]
Escaping The Tyranny of the To-Do List
One of the participants in a recent workshop BlackLion and I co-hosted, while explaining what she wanted to work on, essentially said she wanted to stop being a slave to her to-do list. Can you relate? Life is full. There’s work, immediate family, home-tending, extended family, exercise, friends, volunteering, self-care, creative projects, spiritual practice, and […]
A Practice of Inquiry
Last summer at the Yescapades retreat, I asked in a channeling session about my right livelihood and how it supports myself and others. I was told that (and I’m quoting from my notes in my journal): “My energy is pleasant and round, but that can keep me from accessing my authentic beingness. I need a […]