Starcat’s Favorites: Wake Me Up…
It’s hard for me to believe that summer is coming to an end. This is an especially poignant time, as my beloved daughter ElvenTiger is moving to Colorado in less than two weeks (on the day before my birthday, as it happens). I’m so thrilled for her, to be launching herself into adulthood in such […]
Play Powers Creativity
In the society we live in, it can be tempting to take things oh-so-seriously. I mean, that’s what the news media (and the advertising embedded within it) is all about. It’s jam-packed with fear, things going wrong, and how to plan for the worst case scenario. It’s based on doing The Right Thing and following the […]
Creativity As Portal
Now and then when I talk to people about daily spiritual practice, they immediately get resistant. And defensive. Sometimes even blustery! (What’s up with that?) For some, meditation can seem boring, prayer outmoded, and the idea of a daily practice feels restrictive. Yet for many of the same people, talk to them about their favorite mode […]
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2016
Hey fellow book lovers! It’s time to share my ten favorite reads from last year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2016. They’re just my top favorites of the 54 books I read during the year. Without further ado, here’s the list! City of Refuge by Starhawk. Oh, […]