The New Book: NaNoWriMo Days 11-13
NaNoWriMo, November 2019, DAY 11 – 2006 words Dear Diary, Monday again, and a holiday at that. I’m feeling much better, and my shift at the radio station didn’t tax my voice too much, which is good. I thought about writing in the morning, before I left, but that didn’t happen. Based on when I’ve checked […]
To the Bridge: NaNoWriMo Days 8-10
NaNoWriMo, November 2019, DAY 8 – 1896 words Dear Diary, I feel crappy. Hack, hack, sniffle, sniffle. Standard head cold. Yuck. Still, thanks to hot soup and Tylenol, I wrote a goodly amount of words this evening. Also, in Googling for standard word counts in my genre, I found an article one shouldn’t read while still […]
Just Keep Swimming: NaNoWriMo Days 5-7
NaNoWriMo, November 2019, DAY 5 – 2250 words Dear Diary, I voted today. I worked on my business. I took a yoga class with BlackLion at our favorite studio, and we made “breakfast for dinner” together afterwards. And yeah – I wrote some more words. BlackLion and I did another word sprint, and then I just […]
Resistance Is Futile: NaNoWriMo Days 1-4
NaNoWriMo, November 2019, DAY 1 – 2878 words Dear Diary, I thought I’d write about the process of writing during this November, for National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo). Because, you know, 50K just isn’t enough words (is there a sarcasm emoji?). Actually, it’s because, on my 5th year doing NaNoWriMo, going for my 5th […]
Dharma – It’s Complicated
I had one of those moments this past weekend where it was like: “This. This is an essential part of the work I’m meant to be doing in this world.” Have you ever experienced that? It’s such a powerful feeling. I’ve felt it before, while writing (which can seem like such a solitary activity, though […]
Starcat’s Favorites: The Turning of the Wheel
Suddenly it’s autumn! Well, it seems kind of sudden from where I’m standing. We had a whirlwind of a September, with my big 50th birthday celebration and a two-week visit from my daughter and her fiance. It was so much fun. Now it’s almost October, and the leaves are turning. I’m craving soup and hot […]
What the…Faith?
I grew up in a household that I’d now describe as a combination of atheist and agnostic. We didn’t attend church – after a failed experiment of my Mom sending me to Sunday school at my Baptist paternal grandmother’s urging. Mom didn’t appreciate her little 4-year-old innocent child being sent home with pamphlets saying I […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Getting Results
It’s no secret to longtime readers that I LOVE summer. But it’s not just the warmer days and more time off to enjoy this gorgeous season. It’s also that it’s the season of abundance. Flowers, strawberries, vegetable stands, the trees, sunshine – it feels like everything is in bloom. Abundance surrounds us. For me, it’s […]