Resistance Is Futile: NaNoWriMo Days 1-4
NaNoWriMo, November 2019, DAY 1 – 2878 words Dear Diary, I thought I’d write about the process of writing during this November, for National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo). Because, you know, 50K just isn’t enough words (is there a sarcasm emoji?). Actually, it’s because, on my 5th year doing NaNoWriMo, going for my 5th […]
Dharma – It’s Complicated
I had one of those moments this past weekend where it was like: “This. This is an essential part of the work I’m meant to be doing in this world.” Have you ever experienced that? It’s such a powerful feeling. I’ve felt it before, while writing (which can seem like such a solitary activity, though […]
Starcat’s Favorites: My Community
I’ve had kind of a struggly winter, blah blah blah. Who hasn’t? I hope you haven’t, actually. But the cool thing is that I have such a vibrant and supportive community. I’m so thankful. I’ve surrounded myself with some extremely excellent folks. This wasn’t always the case. I’ve been blessed with an amazing and close […]
Why Pessimism Is Lazy
I’ve been noticing lately that some of the most intelligent, creative, and spiritual people I know, when talking about the future, suddenly default to pessimism. This is the case whether they are talking about their personal prospects or the fate of the Earth and her inhabitants. On some levels, it’s understandable. We’re bombarded by a […]