Tag: books
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2016
Hey fellow book lovers! It’s time to share my ten favorite reads from last year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2016. They’re just my top favorites of the 54 books I read during the year. Without further ado, here’s the list! City of Refuge by Starhawk. Oh,…
Starcat’s Favorites: Quiet Time
Ah, Winter… I like you more than I used to, dear Winter. I like the quiet lull after the Winter Solstice, when the wind and snow comes and all is swathed in drifts. I enjoy the opportunity to dive deep into visioning what I want the New Year to be, for me. I like the…
Gratitude Takes Over the World
I’ve just finished reading a life-changing book. As a bookworm, I probably say that a lot, and I’m not making it up. But truly, this is a game-changer. I think you should read it. As soon as possible. The book is Thank and Grow Rich by Pam Grout. I’m currently 10 days into the main…
Gratitude to Yemaya!
Last weekend I posted, among other things, a link to an article about the Feast Day of Yemaya, the Mother of Oceans. On Thursday, I gathered with three witchy friends at my favorite beach, and we did a ritual offering to the Goddess Yemaya. It was beautiful, profound, and such a delight. We gave offerings…
Starcat’s Favorites: Labors of Love
Happy Labor Day weekend, if you’re in the U.S. If not, well, happy weekend anyway! The list of resources I want to share with you this week certainly reflects my own recent labors, working on my two book projects. The Heart of the Goddess book in particular has had me following the trails of some…
A Summertime Thing
Oh, dear neglected blog! I’ve been off enjoying the summer weather and lots of fun events with friends, plus working on more books. I recently read that blogs aren’t as popular as they once were, and that perhaps their time has passed. I disagree! I still enjoy reading and writing blog posts, and I’ve just…
Research and Poetry
This new book I’m working on, The Heart of the Goddess, has me doing research. Well, perhaps it’s more accurate to say that I’m gathering research that I’ve been doing for years, and filling in the gaps as needed. I have stacks of notebooks on a shelf by my bed, filled with notes from my…
Starcat’s Favorites: Highs and Lows
This month has been really weird for me thus far. Not just nationally and internationally, although the news we’ve been getting lately is certainly horrific. But also on a more personal level. On July 4th weekend, we had planned a visit from some close friends, and a cookout with them and my extended clan. We…
Starcat’s Favorites: Nature Walks
The weather has finally gotten warm enough around here to go out and enjoy. I’ve been loving all the walks this week. I’ve walked by a marsh, by the river, at the beach, and down the road, with friends and on my own. Such a delight! It’s time to start thinking about putting up the…
My 25 Random Things Post
One of my favorite bloggers, entrepreneurs and online personalities is Leonie Dawson. She’s creative, irreverent, funny, and tells it like it is. She recently put up this post, which hearkens back to when she first started blogging. She mentioned 2006, and since that’s the very year I started this blog, I figured I’d play along…