Tag: books
Starcat’s Favorites: A New Book Baby
One of my favorite things to do in this world is to create books for my fellow bookworms to enjoy. So I’m super excited to announce that BlackLion and I have a new book coming out next month! Follow the Ebb & Flow: the Law of Attraction and the Tides of Life will be available…
Magick with a K
The following is an excerpt from the forthcoming book Follow the Ebb & Flow: The Law of Attraction & the Tides of Life, which I’ve co-authored with BlackLion. The book will be available in mid-August. Magick with a “K” As promised, we’re going to delve a bit more into the idea of “magick with a…
141 Mind-Altering Books to Awaken Your Spirit
I asked the writers in my Sacred Path program to choose one book to read with a curious mind this month – to peek behind the curtain and see how the book was crafted. As part of that process, I shared some books on writing craft, but noted that any type of book would work.…
Starcat’s Favorites: Summer Begins
It’s late May in Maine, and our weather has leaped ahead to feeling like early July. I’m not complaining at all – I love the heat! I’m still going for near-daily woods walks, and also spending time in my hammock. We haven’t been swimming yet, because that water is surely super cold, but soon… Even…
Ahead of Her Time: Natalie Clifford Barney
One of the members of a Pagan women’s group I belong to recently led a program for us on Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party. I got to see the exhibit in person in 2018; it’s now permanently housed at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it! We…
Starcat’s Favorites: Focusing on the Good Stuff
Winter is hard. Am I right? It’s cold and dark and not all that inspiring. But I find that focusing on the good stuff in life makes it much more fun. Here’s a recent list: Celebrating my daughter’s 21st birthday with her in Santa Fe, New Mexico – we went to MeowWolf, which I highly…
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2019
Hey fellow bookworms! I’m super excited to share my ten favorite books that I read this past year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2019, just ones that I encountered and very much enjoyed. There were a bunch of others that were awesome, too, but didn’t make the…
Starcat’s Favorites: My Family
I am SO blessed to have an amazing family (of birth and choice, both). This weekend, a bunch of us are helping my son and his girlfriend move into the house they just bought. Not only are we schlepping boxes and cleaning the old apartment, but Quester has been over at the new place almost…
Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
You probably see a lot of female thought-leaders on their blogs and Facebook posts proclaiming that good self-care is non-negotiable. Actually, I agree with them. However, there’s a big disconnect between those of us writing about self-care and the reality of the daily lives of the readers. So many people – women, especially – who…
Creativity Tips for When You’re Not In the Groove
Before I started writing this post, I got up from my computer. I work from home, in the corner of my dining room, and I needed a change of scenery, so I went upstairs to my bedroom to lie down. I played MahJong on my Kindle. I read a few pages of a book on…