Tag: books
Starcat’s Favorites: High Summer
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! According to me, at least. Although, like some people who struggle around the winter holidays, missing loved ones, I’ve been missing my Dad a lot this summer. I thought I’d be relatively okay until the milestones coming up in the fall, but no, not really. I had…
Creativity for Empaths: 9 Ways to Flourish
Are you an empath? Do you tend to know how someone is feeling – or that they’re feeling “off” – before they tell you? Can you read the energy of a room when you walk in? Are you overwhelmed by crowds? Do people confide in you, even when they don’t know you well? If you’re…
Starcat’s Favorites: Summer Is Coming
I wasn’t sure what to write about in my favorites summary this month, and then I received a monthly wrap-up from Nisha of Rainbow Plant Life. She writes about the food, media, and other things she’s been enjoying lately, and I loved it. So this is my version. I’m on sort of a health kick…
Why You Need a Creative Community
What do you think of when you picture yourself writing a book? If you’re like most people, you think of long solo sessions at your laptop, at home – or possibly in a coffee shop, for variety. The thing is, if you want to write a book but you’re not already doing it, that image…
Starcat’s Favorites: Balance
It’s that time of year when I have to pay closer attention than usual to balance. What do I mean by that? The balancing postures in my yoga practice? Well, yes, I do love a good tree pose, but I mean balance in terms of activity and rest. Everyone is coming out of hibernation, the…
Starcat’s Favorites: Yoga Practice
As I write this, the calendar has officially switched to Spring, and the Sun is in Aries. This is our sassy Aries-born catten (still a kitten but almost a cat), Milton LoveCat. We’re having that weather that makes you wish it was warm out – but it isn’t, truly, not for me, anyway. But I…
Progress Despite Myself
There are just a few days left until the official start of spring. It doesn’t seem like it, looking out my office window and seeing the expanse of snow. But as my Mom pointed out, spring has always come each year so far. I feel like this winter has been especially hard. I probably always…
Books: My Favorite Hobby
I’m obsessed with this library-building project – in a healthy way, I hope! It’s so much fun to catalogue the books we own, and also to add all the books I’ve read over the past 25 years or so (when I started keeping track of them in my journals). There’s a feature in LibraryThing where…
Starcat’s Favorites: My Library
I started a project earlier this winter that is truly just for me: organizing and cataloguing our home library. It’s turned out to be a perfect way to help me deal with the grieving process, by keeping my mind busy. Plus, I find playing with my books to be a lot of fun. My catalogue…
Imbolc Blessings!
Imbolc, sometimes called Candlemas, celebrates the turning point from winter to spring. Here in New England, the nights are still long and the weather is cold, though the days grow longer and a bit lighter. It’s the time when we plant the seeds of the spiritual work we want to pursue this year. We carefully…