Starcat’s Favorites: Settle In…
…with a cup of your favorite beverage. Starcat’s Favorites is back! Even through the busy times and the grief, I’ve been reading and gathering links. Reading is my lifelong refuge, my favorite comfort food, my natural state of being. The last time I shared favorites was in late August, so I have a lot of […]
Cultivating Self-Love: Your Path to Wholeness
Okay, it’s confession time. Do you ever struggle with loving yourself? How do you talk to yourself, in the privacy of your own mind? Do you treat yourself with loving compassion? Come on, ‘fess up. If you’re like most of us, you don’t treat yourself as kindly as you’d like. You criticize, you judge, you […]
Nearly Ready
This summer has been a whirlwind of intense energies. Are you feeling it, too? My astrologer friends have been talking about all the powerful conjunctions, squares, and oppositions affecting us, not only individually but as a culture. It makes sense to me. We made it through the portal that was 2012, the end of the […]
Starcat’s Favorites: August Already?!
The month of July seemed to zoooooom right by! As I’ve written before, August is perhaps the busiest month of the year for me and my family. So, here goes! Some of the projects and fun things I’m involved with this crazy month: family birthdays, finalizing details for our trip to Texas for our Rethinking […]
A Harmonious Union
I just finished reading Zen Druidry: Living a Natural Life, with Full Awareness by Joanna van der Hoeven. The premise of this Pagan Portals volume is that “Zen teachings and Druidry can combine to create a peaceful life path that is completely and utterly dedicated to the here and now, to the earth and her […]
The Library of Your Mind
My friend J.F. posted the most interesting question I’ve seen on Facebook in some time, perhaps ever. He asked, “If your mind was a library, what would it be like?” He went on to ask specific questions about what would be included, and summed up with, “tell me about the library of your mind.” Here […]
The Great Mystery and Creativity
I’m reading this fantastic book called Natural Grace: Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science by Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake, published in 1997. Fox is a theologian who writes about creation spirituality, while Sheldrake is an innovative scientist and author. They discuss the intersection between science and spirituality, particularly given […]