On Receiving Authentic Guidance
I’m reading a compilation of channeled writings by Alice A. Bailey, called Ponder on This. It’s fascinating stuff. Bailey was part of the Theosophical movement of the early 20th century. As the friend who loaned it to me noted, I don’t believe all of the things I’m reading in this book. But there are plenty […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Magickal Staycation
As much as I love to travel, I’m currently not minding having to take a “staycation” this week instead of a more traditional vacation (thanks, 2020). Why? Well, first of all, I love summer in Maine. I’m so blessed to live in a place of natural beauty, with easy access to beaches, lakes, mountains, and […]
A Poem From the Animus
What I Love About You by Nikki Starcat Shields Your willingness to continually Show up for yourself and your dreams. The way we danced the tango last night, tangled in drifts of potential. How clearly you see your fears. The friends you don’t see anymore but still care about. Waking up hungry for more life. […]