Wannabe Drummer

I’m sitting here typing and listening to Freakwitch practicing in the basement. I wanna be a drummer! I need to somehow make it a priority (i.e. find the money) to get the djembe I’ve been talking about getting for months. B. is going to give me some lessons. And my Mom is going to learn, […]

What to do with Strong Emotions

I’ve been feeling a lot of strong emotions lately, and trying to figure out what to do with them. Ideally, it’s best to feel the emotion fully in the moment, and let it flow through you, not becoming attached to it. Sometimes, though, I’m in a situation where it’s not appropriate to cry or show […]

Touching the Ancestors

As the Wheel of the Year winds down and the earth prepares to sleep, it’s time to turn our thoughts to Samhain. Traditionally, this is a holiday when pagans honor our ancestors and beloved dead, while the veil between the worlds is thin and the dark nights grow longer. Often this means cooking their favorite […]

Don’t Read This Entry

Yes, this is one of those oh-wow-life-has-been-so-busy-I-haven’t-written-in-forever entires. Boring, I know. So, don’t read it. Move on to what’s next. Unless you really can’t help yourself. The summer and early fall have been (obviously) quite busy and full. There were sad parts and happy parts and amazing things and painful things and fun times. The […]

Gender Confusion

So, Matt took the cats to the vet for their checkup. I get this voicemail on my work machine (said in a laughing singsong voice): “Mystic is a boy!” Stunned silence. Er, OK… Now we’re having a really challenging time trying not to say “she” and “her” and getting used to “he” and “him.” This […]

Barefoot Hiking

Last summer at a Reclaiming witch camp, I (re)discovered the joys of going barefoot. It was a very rainy week, and the terrain was hilly, rocky and muddy. Soon all three of the pairs of shoes I had brought (sandals, sneakers and hiking boots) were completely soaked through, and the notion of dry socks was […]

Authentic Service

As I learn more about my fire and my will, and explore what it means to be fully myself, I’m finding an interesting balance between self and service to the community. In the past, I tended to err on the side of being a bit too focused on other people’s needs and desires, to the […]

Quick(paw) Kitten Update

Little Mystic Quickpaw has swiftly found her place in our home and hearts. The two older cats are still not sure; they hiss at her and give her disdainful looks, to which she looks up at them like “what? I’m a cat, too!” But she and our dog Star are, unexpectedly, very good pals. They […]

Mystic Quickpaw

We got a kitten this weekend! After some deliberation, her name is Mystic Quickpaw. We’re reading Christopher Paolini’s “Eldest,” and really like the two werecat characters in that book. Solembum is the male werecat’s name, which didn’t seem to work for a girl kitten. The female werecat who hangs out with the elves in Ellesmera […]

Rain and Dancing

Here we are in another rainy weekend. You can tell because I’m actually staying inside long enough to write. Although there is probably no one reading this anyway, because of the long gaps in entries while the sun was shining! (Helloooo, anyone there?) Last night was Freakwitch band practice, with all five members in the […]