Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy…

Hey everyone! I’ve been really enjoying my new lifestyle. Yep, my goal of becoming an at-home Mom and writer (as well as gardener and beekeeper) has been achieved! I’ve been really busy, though…so much so that I wonder how I ever managed to fit in 40 hours of work plus commuting. Quester is starting his […]

including blogging

“To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.”– Emily Dickinson

What We Are Doing on Our Vacation!

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plant…No, it’s a Faerie!

I’ve felt unsettled this week. Sort of uncomfortable, emotionally and physically, without any real reason behind it. My chiropractor noticed I’ve got issues. “Lots of movement in the area of changing roles, huh?” “Yeah, just a bit…” I have 10 days of work left, and then I’m free! Free to unschool and write and garden […]

Thinking About Food Again

I guess I write a lot about food in this blog (side note: I should figure out how to put my posts into categories like some bloggers do, so I can see exactly how much I focus on particular topics). This year in particular, my coven is exploring food and spirituality. One of the e-mail […]

Honeyed Blessings

“This earth is honey for all beings, and all beings are honey for this earth. The intelligent, immortal being, the soul of the earth, and the intelligent, immortal being, the soul in the individual being — each is honey to the other.” – Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

It’s Official!

I’ve done something exciting; I’m taking action to follow my dreams. After nearly 16 years at the same workplace, I’m leaving starting in May. I told them this past week. It’s been a good job, the people are great, and I believe in the company (it’s a nonprofit) and its importance to the community. But […]

Seems Rather Obvious

If you know me, you know that I don’t try and push my dietary choices on others. Sure, I like to write about being vegan and vegetarian, but I feel that everyone should make their own decisions about what works for them. Yet, with all the attention being given to climate change right now, I […]

And Now…The Pictures

ElvenTiger had a pretty fun weekend. She player her best on the soccer field! Our newest sport: lacrosse! Can you tell he’s a bit excited? That’s one sacked out cat! Isn’t he adorable? OK, now read on if you’d like the verbal depiction of our weekend.

What Do Unschoolers Do?

I thought it might be time for another “weekend in the life of Starcat” post. I’m hoping some of my new pals on the three unschooling e-mail lists I’ve joined might stop by to check out this blog. And since I get so much out of reading about their lives, I thought I’d share some […]