Mmm…Pasta (for a Good Cause)
Our homeschool group is called the Maine Wholeschoolers (see below for more information about who we are and what we do). On Thursday, December 3rd, we’re having a Spaghetti Supper as a fundraiser. We’re great cooks, and the menu will feature a delicious tomato sauce, meatballs if you want them (kept separate so we can […]
Psst, Pass It On
I’m blessed with a vibrant community. I know many types of people who have a wide variety of interests and outlooks on life. My Facebook friends list tells the tale. Look closely and you’d see overlapping ripples of people who know each other in varying contexts. There’s a core group of homeschool families, the Maine […]
Original Bliss
I attended the fall meeting of the MPCA today. One of the things we talked about was the need for the leaders of groups and rituals to be responsible for the well being of all the participants. The discussion was sparked by the events at a sweat lodge in Arizona last month, where two participants […]
My Creative Process
Throughout the course of any given day, I’m busily cooking up creative ideas. It happens spontaneously in the course of living my life. The ideas are often related to writing, which is my primary art form, but aren’t limited to that milieu. Some drift by, perhaps never to be recalled. The ones I find particularly […]
Why Worry?
It seems to be part of our human nature to worry. In my opinion, it’s largely a waste of time and energy. If we’re creating more of what we focus on, then why manifest these unpleasant thoughts in our experience? However, “don’t worry, be happy” is much easier said than done. This Samhain I decided […]
Each time someone asks Abraham a question about a relationship or job, or anything that has to do with another person’s actions or beliefs, the reply is the same: the only thing you can change is your own vibration. On one occasion, Abraham replied to a questioner about her partner, who wanted a divorce. Their […]
It’s All Connected
This is the first day of a new “blogging challenge” that BlackLion and I have set up for ourselves. We’ve decided to each write an entry every day. We’re already planning to redesign our website, and have an artist friend working on some cool new graphics for us. The blog challenge idea came out of […]
It’s List Time – in Fours Again
Things I’m releasing:worryfearsugarextra weight Things I’m encouraging:joyquiet timeyogameditation Projects I’m working on:making collage cardsfinding some at-home work to increase my prosperityputting together a Starcat’s Corner book of essayslesson plans for the Maine Wholeschoolers’ English class Things I’m sitting with:griefdesire for abundancehealthy eatingspirituality What I’m reading:Home Education magazineOld Path, White Clouds by Thich Nhat HanhThe Wizard […]