Reiki Healing

Several years ago, a dear friend who has admitted (with a smile) to being a “Reiki pusher” became my Reiki Master. I was attuned to Reiki I first, and then a year later, to Reiki II. Since then I’ve mostly done Reiki for myself and my family, plus a series of sessions for a friend […]

My Media

I thought it might be fun to list what “media” I use regularly, and why. I’d love to see your list, too. Put it on your blog if you have one, or just leave a comment. By sharing, we might discover new interesting things to inspire us! (Note: I haven’t included books, simply because I […]

Not-So-Sweet Emotions

I have an ambivalent relationship with sugar. My family has a history of adult-onset diabetes, and I’ve wondered if that’s part of it. It happens to be a food that I’m sensitive to, and interestingly, it’s my emotions that seem most affected. Sometimes I feel like I’m addicted to sweets, and crave them as a […]

Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving, to those of you celebrating today. It’s a lovely practice to be thankful for blessings every day. I also enjoy having a national holiday when many people are focused on gratitude. Here’s what I’m thankful for today: – My family and friends. They’re a wonderful group of fun, quirky, smart, creative and crazy-in-a-good-way […]

The Spirals of Life

It’s time for Thanksgiving once again, and then the winter holiday season will be fully upon us. I have to say – I love holidays! I often enjoy the preparations as much as the celebrations themselves. The holidays are a time of traditions, and although things may seem the same each year, if you look […]

On Tolerance

Acceptance and tolerance are sometimes harder than they would seem on the surface. Many of us who are liberals talk about acceptance of diversity, and I think that on many levels we’re doing really well. But I’m talking about something a bit closer to home – accepting the ways your friends and loved ones differ […]

Confession Time

I am an unusual person, with an unconventional lifestyle. I’m a legally licensed Pagan priestess. I’m a vegetarian who eats mostly vegan food. I do Reiki healing. I radically unschool my kids. I dye my hair strange colors, just for fun. I have three tattoos, and want more. I practice yoga and meditation regularly. I […]

Life at the Home School

I stand at the counter in the kitchen, cutting up peppers and onions to sauté and add to the black and pinto beans on the stove. As I work, I’m listening to my two kids and Sash play “Dungeons and Dragons Online.” They have a PC and two laptops going, so they can each play […]

Feline Divine

I’m always telling everyone how much I love cats – and it’s all true. But why do I have such an affinity for them? When I was a very small child, my Dad helped me start a campaign. At the time, Mom didn’t care for cats (though she loves them now). Dad said, “every little […]

This Is a No-Yelling Zone

Being an empath has its good points and its downsides. I’m afraid of other people’s anger. It doesn’t much matter if it’s directed at me or not – if I’m in the same space as someone who is venting their anger, I get scared. My breath becomes shorter, my stomach tenses up, and I may […]