Our Happy Holidaze

We had a fun and very merry holiday time here at the homestead! Well, we’re still having it, really. Tomorrow we have my sister-in-law coming for an overnight visit, Wednesday is my Mom’s re-birthday, and then Friday is the huge homeschool group New Year bash. But back on topic…we started our partying with our monthly […]

Haiku for A Winter Afternoon

White snow blows green pines.Oak leaves hang on, shivering –Wind after blizzard.

Cake of the Month

I’ve been on a sugar fast, from Samhain (Halloween) to Winter Solstice. By this I mean I’ve been abstaining from desserts, foods and drinks with refined sugars. I’ve also kept my use of other sugars (honey, maple syrup, etc.) low during this time. It’s something I’ve done before, and helps me contain my natural inclination […]

A Birthday Tribute

Today would have been the birthday of my great-aunt, Bertha Letitia Smith, known by the family at Auntie Bee or Bee-Bee. She was born in 1902, and was one of the middle children of a family of sixteen kids. She was my maternal grandfather’s older sister. In some ways, I’m like her. Auntie Bee made […]

Life Purpose Rampage

In Abraham-Hicks workshops, they take questions from people in the audience and give advice on the person’s situation. Their answers are sometimes given in the form of “rampages,” which are a form of positive rant, given from the perspective of the querent and intended to help lift the energies of the situation. Here is a […]

Paper Arts & Crafts

I really love making things, particularly with paper. Actually, if I try my hand at crafts with any kind of thread or yarn, it’s hopeless. The wonderful talents my grandmother, mom, and aunt have with sewing, knitting, quilting, and so forth seemed to have skipped me and gone directly to ElvenTiger. I think it might […]


The Temperance card in Tarot is about moderation and finding the balance as you travel along your life’s path. It describes the merging of two opposites, such as the material and spiritual realms, into a unified whole. The figure on the card, often an angel or other guide, stands with one foot in each world, […]

A New Book Wish List

Last year I posted a book wish list, just for fun. An online friend recently mentioned that her son’s holiday wish list was divided into two sections, books and not-books, and that reminded me to look back at my list. I’d posted it in early December, forgotten about it, and was pleasantly surprised when my […]

Thanksgiving Week Plans

How did it get to be Thanksgiving week already?! I’ve been enjoying a rather quiet and introspective month, by choice, but I’m also glad for the arrival of the holiday season. I thought I’d share some of our plans and projects for this week. I just posted this blog’s address on a new Unschooling group […]

Tips for Creative Entrepreneurial Types

Over the past couple of days I’ve come across two great articles that appeal to my creative side. The first one I found through a link on one of the blogs I read regularly, Blog of the Zombie Princess. She’s been talking about doing “Morning Pages,” and shared a link to an article written by […]