Cake of the Month: January, part 2
The second Cake of the Month for January, ElvenTiger’s birthday cake, was quite a success! I created my own recipe, after doing a bunch of research online and in cookbooks. My Mom, BlackLion, and ElvenTiger all helped out in various ways (and thanks to Jen-Mom for two of the pictures, below!). The recipe is called […]
Tarot Tracking 2010
“Life is easy to chronicle, but bewildering to practice.” – E. M. Forster I’m definitely a chronicler of life, as posts like this one prove, but I’ve also delved into practice. In this case, a daily spiritual practice which includes a three-card daily Tarot reading. I note the day’s cards and events, keeping track of […]
More Cake of the Month (Seconds, Anyone?)
I decided to go ahead with the Cake of the Month project. ElvenTiger gets the first cake, since her birthday is in January. She wants some kind of layer cake with chocolate and caramel. So I’m on the hunt for good recipes. BlackLion thought I meant that I’d be creating recipes for the cakes myself, […]