Following the Muse

Winter isn’t my favorite season. I don’t hate it – I love the beauty of all the seasons, and I do appreciate living in a climate where the changes are so dramatic. But to be honest, when it’s really cold and wet and snowy, I understand the appeal of hibernation. I used to feel guilty […]

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Games

I guess I’m on a roll, in terms of playing along with my favorite blogs. Here’s another one: over on Ordinary Life Magic, they’re running a game giveaway. Go ahead over and check it out! And in the meantime, here are some of our family’s favorite games. We have 3 adults (in our 40s) and […]

Pure Pleasure

I’m going to join in on the Self-Discovery Word-by-Word Blogger Series. I found out about it on Being Joy. The word for February is “pleasure.” I think pleasure is a signpost, pointing me toward my callings in life. Sometimes the call is just to be really present in the moment, like the pleasure of walking […]

A Bio for Fun

One of the blogs I like to read is called A Journey of Joy. The author decided to share some prompts and exercises that she’s using in a writing group. It sounded like a cool idea, so I’m in. The first prompt was to write and share a 100-word autobiography. So, here’s who I am […]

Our Imbolc

Blessings of Imbolc to you! It’s time for the initial stirrings of the Spring to come, although for us they’re hidden under a deep layer of snow. The picture is from two years ago, though we have that much if not more snow on the ground right now, with more to come (note to self […]

No Problem

“Whenever possible, minimize the importance of a problem. Forget a problem and it will go away. Dumb advice, surely, or so it seems. Yet children know the truth of it. Minimize impediments in your mind and they do become minimized. Exaggerate impediments in your mind and in reality they will quickly adopt giant size.” – […]

On the Big Screen

Last fall we bought a big computer monitor-style TV from our friend Sash – it’s hooked up to a computer, not cable or anything like that. But we can watch DVDs and Netflix on it, so it works well for family movie nights. Since we’re still in the depths of winter (*tiny sob*), we’ve been […]

Yes, It’s Still Winter

These Maine winters can be, well, long. I mean, it’s only the end of January, and we’ll probably have snow at least through early April. Think about it. I’m already tired of the cold. The appeal has even worn thin for ElvenTiger, who loves snow. Every day lately, it’s been either very bitterly cold, or […]

Loving My Self

“You can never love another person unless you are equally involved in the beautiful but difficult spiritual work of learning to love yourself. There is within each of us, at the soul level, an enriching fountain of love.” – John O’Donohue Since quitting my day job a couple years ago and following my calling, I’ve […]

Winter Photo Essay

I thought it was time to share some images of what we’ve been up to so far this winter. Here goes! We’ve been partying with our friends. The boys won the New Year’s Eve competition, hands-down, with their hilarious skit. We’ve been playing lots and lots of games: board games, video games, card games, dice […]