
Renewal of Focus

…on this blog? Well, no promises, though I have been enjoying the writing I’ve been doing lately with BlackLion. What I want to write about now, though, is my renewal of focus on yoga. Since I had Lyme disease last year at this time, I haven’t been doing yoga regularly, and sometimes not at all. […]

New Year, New Energy

I’ve noticed the shift of energy with the new calendar year (welcome, 2008!). It’s taking me a while to adjust to it, but now I seem to be settling into the groove. While I don’t do “resolutions” per se, I do have some big and exciting goals that I’m focusing on this year. Here’s my […]

The Joy of Yoga

I’ve ramped up my home practice of yoga recently, with more vigorous posture flows and more challenging poses. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, but Quester and I, back in the fall, had agreed to do yoga together on a regular basis. He was still working on releasing some recurring lower-back pain, […]