Starcat’s Favorites: Stickers!
Did you ever notice that there are certain things in your life that you’re extremely good at manifesting? Mine has been books (go figure). I haven’t belonged to a library for many years because, even when I couldn’t afford to buy them at full price, books just showed up. People gave them to me, I […]
Navigating the Galactic Barrier
BlackLion and I have been watching the Star Trek: Discovery series, and loving it. A recent episode had the crew of Discovery trying to find a way to travel through the galactic barrier and into another galaxy for an important First Contact mission. It’s not as simple as just flying through. There’s a lot of […]
Receiving Success
As I prepare for the beginning of a new calendar year, two words have emerged as themes for me for 2022. The first one that showed up was SUCCESS. In many ways, though, I’ve already achieved the success that I’ve been visualizing and working toward over the past several years. My business, which is my […]
Guilt: What Is It and How Do You Get Rid of It?
For years and years, my Mom has had a saying that she shares at appropriate moments: “No guilt!” But what is guilt, anyway? Is it necessarily a bad thing? I looked to Wikipedia, and the definition of guilt there says: “Guilt is a moral emotion that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that […]
The Elements, Part 5: Spirit
The element of Spirit is the ethereal combination of all the other elements. It is the very energy which comprises our entire cosmos. Spirit encompasses all that we can see, and the mysteries which are unseen to our mortal eyes. Spirit resides in the center, but also pervades the entire circle of life. It is […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Autumn and Community
I’m loving the energies of autumn coming in. Can you feel it? This week’s Parallel PlayDate had a theme of community. I based the guided meditation and writing prompt on some reading I’d been doing on forests. Until fairly recently, scientists had thought the trees in a forest competed for resources. But it’s not true! […]