Category: spirituality
Starcat’s Favorites: Mind Maps & Snuggle Cats
This is the lovely snuggle cat I was cuddling with this morning. I don’t think he wanted me to get up. Sweet Percy Lovecat! He’s definitely on my list of favorites. I’ve also been enjoying spring breezes, chai tea, good sleep, and mind mapping. I’m in the middle of creating a wonderful project that is…
Starcat’s Favorites: Winter Wanes
Even though we’ve had a milder winter this year in New England, in terms of the weather, I’m still more than ready for the start of spring. So are the cats, who might have just a touch of cabin fever. I’ve been enjoying going for more walks now that I don’t have to bundle up…
A Practice of Inquiry
Last summer at the Yescapades retreat, I asked in a channeling session about my right livelihood and how it supports myself and others. I was told that (and I’m quoting from my notes in my journal): “My energy is pleasant and round, but that can keep me from accessing my authentic beingness. I need a…
Starcat’s Favorites: Those Dark Nights
Although this winter has been much milder in terms of weather, I feel like I’ve really been in the deep, dark, depths the past couple of months. You know those infamous “dark nights of the soul?” Yeah, those are the ones. I’ve written about my troubles here already, so I’m not going to go into it…
When Challenges Arise…and They Will
It seems like a lot of people I know are having quite the challenging winter so far. I’ve been sick with a cold, with its lingering cough, for more than a month. This week it decided to ramp back up, complete with revolving issues like sore throat, earaches, and of course the cough. Not fun.…
Manifesto for Daily Being
This month I’ve been doing the Infinite Possibilities 30-Day Project from Mike Dooley, which has been fun and awesome. As I wrapped up the final session today, I was looking back through the notebook I’ve been using for it, which is also my “Starcat’s Book of Positive Aspects and Processes.” While I was reading what…
Starcat’s Favorites: Inner Enthusiasm
Last weekend I had the chance to go to Play Church, which is a new offering from the Play Nexus crew. Their playshops are full of energy, joy, expansion, and high vibes. After some pondering, I decided I wouldn’t go, and BlackLion seemed to think that meant I was feeling low-energy, or not well in…
Transform Your Life
I just realized I hadn’t shared with you one of the big projects I’ve been up to as we begin the new year. BlackLion and I have been updating and improving our Alchemy of Core Beliefs online course, and it’ll be starting January 25th. If you’re looking for a way to transform your life in…
To An Authentically Amazing 2016
Last year, my word of the year took a while to find. This year, it came to me in early November, during a guided mediation at a retreat. This past week I’ve been reading back over my 2015 journals, something I do every year in order to jot down notes on creative ideas, themes, or other…
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I love the winter holidays. I really do. I’m blessed with a loving family and a community of terrific friends. At the same time, though, the last part of the year, leading up to Winter Solstice and Christmas is always super-freaking-busy for me. This year, that was even more true than usual. Along with all…