Category: spirituality
Musings on the Tarot
For years and years, I used a 3-card Tarot spread as part of my daily spiritual practice. Then I guess I sort of got tired of using the cards. Around 2011 or so, my practice evolved to focus more on meditation and journaling. In 2014, I started doing a monthly Tarot reading for myself on…
Starcat’s Favorites: The Full Moon
Happy Full Moon! Most of my energy right now is wrapped up in finishing my book draft. Still, a writer needs a break now and then, so I’ll be hitting the beach tomorrow evening to howl at the moon with my wild women sisters. (Thank goodness for the warmth of the campfire!) I’ve been doing…
6 Ideas for a Daily Self-Love Practice
You can see the value of learning to love yourself. You understand why it’s important. You know it will help you live a more joyful life, appreciate others more, and have more energy for pursuing your most cherished dreams. But how on Earth do you get there? Like any skill worth having, self-love comes through…
Gratitude Takes Over the World
I’ve just finished reading a life-changing book. As a bookworm, I probably say that a lot, and I’m not making it up. But truly, this is a game-changer. I think you should read it. As soon as possible. The book is Thank and Grow Rich by Pam Grout. I’m currently 10 days into the main…
Starcat’s Favorites: Abundant Harvest
Happy Autumn! And Happy Spring to those of you in the southern hemisphere! It is the time for harvest, and the gardens and farmer’s markets are full of abundant vegetables and fruits. Delicious! It’s also time to take a look at what we’re harvesting in our personal lives, and to share our gratitude for all…
Gratitude to Yemaya!
Last weekend I posted, among other things, a link to an article about the Feast Day of Yemaya, the Mother of Oceans. On Thursday, I gathered with three witchy friends at my favorite beach, and we did a ritual offering to the Goddess Yemaya. It was beautiful, profound, and such a delight. We gave offerings…
Starcat’s Favorites: Labors of Love
Happy Labor Day weekend, if you’re in the U.S. If not, well, happy weekend anyway! The list of resources I want to share with you this week certainly reflects my own recent labors, working on my two book projects. The Heart of the Goddess book in particular has had me following the trails of some…
Starcat’s Favorites: Water and Sky
I know I’ve mentioned about a hundred gazillion times that I love summer. Not really a popular opinion this week here in Maine, when the temperatures are in the mid 90s. Most people I run into are complaining about being too dang hot. But I love it. My favorites this summer are swimming and watching…
Finding Your Place
I remember reading the Carlos Castenada books back in the early 1990s. One of the things that stuck with me was when the teacher asked his apprentice to find “his spot in the room.” The student didn’t understand the assignment at first, and picked a place at random, but Don Juan wasn’t buying it. Over…
Starcat’s Favorites: Highs and Lows
This month has been really weird for me thus far. Not just nationally and internationally, although the news we’ve been getting lately is certainly horrific. But also on a more personal level. On July 4th weekend, we had planned a visit from some close friends, and a cookout with them and my extended clan. We…