You Belong Here
“Wanting to belong is when we get into trouble. The wanting is the beginning of control and distortion and inauthenticity. This wanting comes from our programming that we don’t belong. In order for us to internalize that concept we have to be told somewhere along the way that because of what we say or what […]
Reflection and Rediscovery
I’ve been going back through some of my old journals, looking for inspiring quotes. BlackLion and I are going to start a weekly Feline Dreamers e-zine (a newsletter sent via e-mail) and we plan to include a quote in each issue. We now have over eleven pages of quotes typed up, and the file continues […]
“Never go to excess, but let moderation be your guide.” – Cicero“Moderation in all things.” – Terence “It is better to rise from life as from a banquet – neither thirsty nor drunken.” – Aristotle As the result of a couple of recent conversations, I’ve been thinking about moderation. One conversation was about food, and […]
Sometimes things happen in fours. Even if they’re lists of things that I’ve encountered while reading. Such as: “Each read-aloud, then, is a language arts lesson, bolstering the four language arts: the art of reading, the art of listening, the art of writing, and the art of speaking.”– Jim Trelease, “The Read-Aloud Handbook” “The beginner […]