The Sixties Reborn
“When in the flow of human events it becomes necessary for the people to cease to recognize the obsolete social patterns which had isolated man from his consciousness and to create with the youthful energies of the world revolutionary communities to which the two-billion-year-old life process entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of […]
Whole Is Good
I’m tackling another writing prompt, this one from a blog called Re-Minderz. The idea is to journal or write about this quote: “I’d rather be whole than good.” – Carl Jung My first reaction is that, while I understand the intention behind the quote, I would think that if we were whole, we would also […]
Powers of Positivity, Activate!
“Quite simply, a belief in the good without a belief in the evil, may seem highly unrealistic to you. This belief, however, is the best kind of insurance that you can have, both during physical life and afterward. “It may OUTRAGE YOUR INTELLECT, and the evidence of your physical senses may shout that it is […]
No Problem
“Whenever possible, minimize the importance of a problem. Forget a problem and it will go away. Dumb advice, surely, or so it seems. Yet children know the truth of it. Minimize impediments in your mind and they do become minimized. Exaggerate impediments in your mind and in reality they will quickly adopt giant size.” – […]
Loving My Self
“You can never love another person unless you are equally involved in the beautiful but difficult spiritual work of learning to love yourself. There is within each of us, at the soul level, an enriching fountain of love.” – John O’Donohue Since quitting my day job a couple years ago and following my calling, I’ve […]
I’m Unlearning
“At the level of the soul, we know everything we need to know. For some reason, we have to experience physical lifetimes to learn in a different way. This is the only place where we have physical bodies and emotions. Our task here is to become more Godlike, to recognize the divine and spiritual nature […]
Love Is Action
“I’ve heard people say that they cling to their painful thoughts because they’re afraid that without them, they wouldn’t be activists for peace. If I felt completely peaceful, they say, why would I bother taking action at all? My answer is, because that’s what love does. To think that we need sadness or outrage to […]