Have Some Delicious Fruit
“Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the ‘Fairies of the Universe’ assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the […]
Practicing Patience
“Patience is a hard discipline. It is not just waiting until something happens over which we have no control; the arrival of the bus, the end of the rain, the resolution of a conflict. Patience is not waiting passively until someone else does something. Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to […]
The Importance of Play
“When you become TOO intent to maintain your reality you lose it, for you deny the creativity upon which it rests. I am not denying the importance of true reason. Certainly I am not telling you to ignore the intellect. But you do often ignore the playfulness of the intellect and force it to become […]
Home Again, Home Again
I’ve been away much of this week, spending some time with Quester’s family, and it’s been pretty intense. More about that later, when things are more fully resolved. For now, I’ll just say that there have been many moments of sadness and tears, as well as those of joy. Alongside these family matters, I’ve been […]
Toward a Broader Awareness
“Political awareness can become a tyranny of its own, not least because it locks us into the issues and perspectives of a particular time. But when we are looking at questions of the sacred, we move beyond time. To create the changes in consciousness needed to transform society at a deep level, we need insights […]
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
“I don’t care if you are a hardened cynic, entrepreneur, techie nerd, or froo-froo floaty vegan meditating skateboarder, practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to open up to abundance and prosperity. Gratitude is saying yes. And yes opens us up. It makes us more receptive. We say, ‘I already have these gifts.’ Then […]