Category: pagan
Starcat’s Favorites: Full Steam Ahead!
I’m not sure exactly why, but this fall has seemed even busier than the last few. Every day is full of activities, tasks, and projects – and at least one of them is always soccer! Dryst has been doing really well, playing as a senior on the varsity soccer team. He has just one…
Dancing with the Feminine Divine
After writing the post on feeling mostly gender-neutral, I got thinking about why I’m so drawn to connecting with the Divine as female, as Goddess. Part of it is because I’m a feminist, and as such I’m not fond of the patriarchy and its stern, imposing monotheistic God. By feminist, I mean that I’m in…
Summer Solstice and PortCon
What have I been up to lately? Quite the whirlwind of a weekend! Summer is here and we were busy welcoming it and celebrating, creating, and performing. The main event of the weekend was, of course, the Summer Solstice! We celebrated in several ways. The actual time of the Solstice here in Maine was early…
My Yoga Story
I’m working on a blog post about yoga, both the philosophy of it and some resources for those who wish to try it. I’m not an expert or certified yoga instructor, but rather I’m writing from the perspective of someone who has practiced off and on for about 20 years now. I hope it will…
An Earth Day Tradition
A couple years ago I started a new personal tradition for Earth Day. As a Pagan who walks an earth-based spiritual path, I’m aware of the pollution that modern living is causing. I’m also sure that, collectively, we can reduce it. Each person taking individual action is important. So I decided to implement something new…
A Sigh of Relief
It’s April 8th, and I’m finally adjusted the fact that March is over and winter is really done. Granted, there’s still quite a bit of snow out in the yard, but the piles are getting smaller every day. Daytime temperatures are consistently in the upper 40s to mid 50s, the sun has been out, and…
Rebirth Is Messy
Here in northern New England, March is still winter. Yes, the Spring Equinox is coming up next week, and the sunlight has that deep yellow quality to it now. But the ground is still covered with snow, and we’re getting more as I write. March tends to be a low point for me. Maybe it’s…
Of Animal Myths and Magic
I recently read a wonderful book called Invoking Animal Magic: A Guide for the Pagan Priestess by Hearth Moon Rising. I’ve encountered other guides to working with animal totems or animal energies, and most often they are encyclopedic lists of attributes for each creature. Useful, perhaps, but dry reading. Not this one! I was captivated…
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2013
Here is my annual list of the ten best books I read in the previous year. These are my favorites of all the books I read in 2013. Please note, these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2013, just my favorites of the ones I read. And yeah, I do like quite a few…